How to Delete a Workspace and Folder on Kapwing

Both Kapwing Folders & Workspaces can be deleted at any time after they have been created. Please read the following resource before deleting your folders or workspaces because this is a permanent action.
What Happens When You Delete a Workspace
All of the folders and projects contained in a Workspace are also removed from our database when you delete the workspace. The workspace and the projects contained within will not be accessible to collaborators in that Folder. There is no way to undo this action or recover deleted projects within a deleted workspace. Please be certain that you want the Project erased before deleting it because there is no way for us to recover content that you unintentionally deleted.
How to Delete a Workspace
Log into your account, and select the workspace you want to delete. Navigate to the Workspace Settings on the left side panel and in "Settings" scroll down to the red "Delete Team Workspace" button.
You'll see a confirmation modal to confirm that you want to delete all of the content in your workspace.
What Happens When You Delete a Folder
Just like deleting a workspace deletes all folders and projects, all of the projects contained in a Folder are also removed from our database when you delete the Folder. The Folder and the projects contained within it will not be accessible to collaborators in that Folder. There is no way to undo this action or recover deleted projects within a deleted folder. Please be certain that you want the Project erased before deleting it because there is no way for us to recover content that you unintentionally deleted.
How to Delete a Folder
Log into your workspace, and select the Folder you want to delete. Navigate to the Folder Settings and scroll down to the red "Delete Folder" button.
You'll see a confirmation modal to confirm that you want to delete all of the content in your Folder. Free Plan users are limited to one folder at a time in the workspace. Deleting a folder in a free workspace will refresh with a new empty folder replacing the deleted folder.
Additional Resources
How to Manage Multiple Folders on Kapwing
How to Delete Your Kapwing Account