1920 x 1080 Image or Video Size Template

1920 x 1080 Image or Video Size Template
850px × 478px
Image Template

Make an image or video that is exactly 1920 by 1080 pixels using this free online resizer. Just upload the asset that you want to resize or create a custom design on this 1920x1080 digital canvas. Perfect for YouTube thumbnails , Discord invite banners, social media banners and cover photos, or screen wallpapers. Kapwing supports images (PNG, JPG), videos, and GIFs, so you can create a graphic with the right size and dimensions quickly for any type of media. No need to download photoshop -- since Kapwing is online, it works on Macs, Windows, Chromebooks, or any type of tablet and phone with no installation required.

Click above to edit this template directly in your browser. Easily remix this template with your own text, images, and videos.