1200 x 630 OG Image Template

1200 x 630 OG Image Template
794px × 417px
Image Template

This free tool resizes images to the right size for OG Images: 1200 x 630 pixels. Ideal for cropping photos and making custom OG header designs for blog posts, Wordpress, websites, articles, and content that might be shared on social media. Use this 1200 x 630 digital canvas to create an OG Image, then embed the final OG image on your website in the meta-tags. Upload a picture and crop or fit the content on the page. This free tool can make your content more shareable and have better SEO. Spec: 1200 x 630. Supports GIFs, PNGs, and JPEGs

Click above to edit this template directly in your browser. Easily remix this template with your own text, images, and videos.